Local Investors


Any individual who is a Bangladeshi national above the age of 18 or any Bangladeshi Institutions qualify as a Local Investor.


BO A/C Opening

Bangladeshi National

»  A complete set of account opening forms (pdf)

»  Three copy of passport size photograph

»  Copy of bank statement

»  Copy of National ID card/Passport

»  One copy of photograph of Nominee/Authorized/POA

Bangladeshi Institutions

»  A complete set of account opening form (pdf)

»  Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Associations

»  Copy of trade license (if any)

»  Board resolutions

»  Three copy of passport size photograph of authorized person


Depository Services

We extend full depository services that comprise opening and maintenance of BO account, dematerialization and re-materialization of instruments, transfer and transmission of instruments, pledging-unpledging through CDBL.


Trading Services

As we aspire to be one of the leading Brokerages in the country, we have dedicated all our endeavors in developing a solid trading infrastructure. Being founded upon the urge to be the market leader, we have already taken some big strides towards success by establishing spacious trading floor and separate Tele-trading booths.

Margin facility - All investor who wants to trade on margin account can avail the margin facilities according to the rules and regulations of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC).

Tele/E-mail Trading facility - As it is not always possible for an investor to visit physically and submit his order, we allow placement of order over Phone and via E-mail.

VIP trading Booth - Since institutional investors' need distinction while making their investment, NRBC Bank Securities Limited has established separate VIP Trading booth in every outlet.


Client Services

We believe that "Quality makes a sale but Salesmanship Makes a resale". Holding this belief as the key criterion, we have formed a fine tuned team of customer service that is composed of a group of fresh business school graduates and veteran customer care personnel who are amiable, efficient and receptive to customers' queries.




Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) has implemented Centralized Order ...

BO Application


NRBC Bank Securities Limited processes and submits BO Application of its clients ...



NRBC Bank Securities Limited processes and submits IPO application of its clients ...